Let's Set Sails!

Welcome to Nautical Diary

Welcome to Nautical Diary, a blog documenting my journey into boating.

I believe that the best way to learn something is write about it. Only when we write we can see how deep our understanding is.

I’m still very novice with boating. Last year about this time I got my first navigation license. Here, in Spain, this is the minimum license needed to operate a boat of up to 6 meters.

However, one thing is to have a piece of paper and another to have real experience.

Boating is rewarding but it also requires a certain level of skill, knowledge, and responsibility to ensure safety and avoid accidents. Boaters must be aware of local regulations, weather conditions, navigational hazards, and boating etiquette, and should take proper precautions, such as wearing life jackets and carrying necessary equipment. Radio? It’s an absolute must.

While I take every measure to write only accurate posts, as mentioned above, I’m still novice. I’m not an expert and thus I encourage you to take everything you read in this diary with a grain of salt. Do your research, check alternate sources, use your brains. Let’s not forget that vast majority of accidents happen because of human error and more importantly because of neglecting common sense.